Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What is Cord Blood Banking?

Are you pregnant? Is someone you love? If so, then check this out: Your little one could be able to save somebody's life merely by being born.

When you are in labor, you have three options in regards to what to do with the placenta and umbilical cord blood. You will be able to either trash it (what regularly takes place, a loss), store it for possible use by your baby or a family member, or donate it in public storage that it might be provided to research.

Cord blood contains blood forming, hematopoietic cells. Each year tens of thousands of patients become diagnosed with life threatening medical problems that may be treated by rebuilding the patient's hematopoietic system with working, blood creating cells. Umbilical cord blood is presently being studied as a potential source for blood cells.

Giving cord blood is safe. The cord blood is collected from the umbilical cord after your little one is born. Donation doesn't change the normal birth process. Donating cord blood is free to you and confidential.

To find out more regarding cord blood donation the NMDP has plenty of info including Frequently asked questions, guidelines, participating cord blood banks, hospitals and more.

Certain expectant families may be considering storing for private utilization. Some websites will have a quiz that can let you make the choice between private and public storage.

Think about it. Regardless of your decision, remember that there are multiple ways in which you can donate life.

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